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Monday, January 19, 2015

Having cake and eating it too

You read the title and thought I bailed already, huh? Oh, don't freak out! I haven't given up yet! Yesterday I pulled out my gluten free pancake mix and with some skepticism, whipped up a small batch of pancakes for myself. I added fresh blueberries and diced walnuts. The Hodgson Mill's brand already contained flaxseed, so I didn't add any more. I just knew I'd be left FLAT....after all, the pictures of the pancakes on the box looked pretty sad. But, to my surprise, I had awesome, thick, hearty pancakes. They tasted really good! You know what I'm noticing when I eat gluten free prepared foods? I get full faster and don't eat as much. This is interesting to me because I know that commercially prepared gluten free foods contain refined alternative grains, so sometimes there isn't that much fiber to them. Perhaps when I combine the foods with fresh fruits and veggies, I get the necessary fiber to complete the satiation factor? The refinement of alternative grains is a concern for me, I think whole grains are the best! Last night for dinner, I tried quinoa pasta and I cooked it slightly al dente - again, it was perfect! Delicious. Not sticky (I did add a teaspoon of olive oil to the water). Here's a side by side photo of both spaghettis (one regular for my non-adventurous family and one for me, gluten free!). Can you tell which is which?

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