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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Panic in the Grocery Store

It started out innocent enough. I had just finished visiting a friend to help her set up a Tower Garden and one thing led to another....and one hour led to another....and by the time I stopped at the grocery store to stock up for my first "gluten free" weekend, I was famished. Cardinal sin #1 - going to the grocery store hungry Cardinal sin #2 - quickly strolling by the bread rack justifying to yourself that you might find some gluten free bread (there wasn't any). I quickly moved to the center of the store and that's where it happened. This registered dietitian, trained in all things food.....started to panic! What was I going to eat? How was I going to explain to my teens that, oh by the way, tonight is an official "everyone is on their own for dinner" night. Come on, don't never have one of those? So I did what any self-respecting, panic-attacked person would do: I started looking for the GF label on the packages--automatic self-help. I picked up a few things before I started noticing the outrageous prices on these special-marked packages. So I turned to the mainstays: beans, quinoa and other dry goods. Now my weekend will be busy figuring out how to make these staples taste good while I am stirring up a pot of spaghetti for my husband. And then, relief beyond belief! I found it! A sweet treat that would quell my hunger and get me back to my sensibilities. I snapped up a bag of quinoa snacks....tore open the top and took a munch. Crunch. Coconutty. And beautifully gluten free! Waiting in line to purchase my goods (and the half consumed Keenwa Krunch) I exclaimed outloud how good it was. The lady in front of me said, "what is that?" I read the label with enthusiasm, "It's coconut cranberry cashew quinoa clusters!" I started to laugh. I thought only the processed "bad" foods had ingredient labels that were difficult to pronounce!
Looks like I'll be learning a lot as I say goodbye to gluten.

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